10  Specific Data

10.1 Chemical Data

How do I download data associated with a particular chemical?

To download data associated with a chemical, use the download buttons located in the top-right corner of the tables on the Chemical Detail page (Chapter 5).

  • Download Products and Weight Fractions: returns a csv file with all products, product use categories, and chemical composition/weight fraction data available for a given chemical.
  • Download Function Categories: returns a csv file with all data documents that contain functional use information available for a given chemical, including reported functions and harmonized function categories.

10.2 Product Use Category Data

How do I download data associated with a particular Product Use Category (PUC)?

To download data associated with a PUC, use the download buttons located in the top-right corner of the tables on the Product Use Category Detail page (Section 6.3). Users can download data for all Products, Chemicals, or Function Categories associated with a Product Use Category.

  • Download Products and Chemical Weight Fractions: returns a csv file with all products, product use data, and chemical composition/weight fraction data available for a given Product Use Category.
  • Download Chemicals: returns a csv file with all unique chemicals, CASRNs and DTXSIDs associated with a given Product Use Category.
  • Download Function Categories: returns a csv file with all data documents that contain function category information categorized to a Product Use Category, including the specific chemical, and its reported function and harmonized Function Categories.

10.3 Function Category Data

How do I download data associated with a particular Function Category (FC)?

To download data associated with a FC, use the download buttons located in the top-right corner of the tables on the Function Category Detail page (Section 7.1). Users can download data for all Products or Chemicals associated with an FC.

  • Download Products: returns a csv file with all products and Product Use Category data available for a given Function Category.
  • Download Chemicals: returns a csv file with all unique chemicals, CASRNs and DTXSIDs associated with a given Function Category.

10.4 Chemical List Presence Data

How do I download data associated with a particular Chemical List Presence Keyword? To download data associated with a Chemical List Presence Keyword, use the download buttons located in the top-right corner of the tables on the Chemical List Presence Keyword Detail page. Users can download data for all Documents or Chemicals associated with a keyword.

  • Download Documents: returns a csv file with all Document and Keyword Set data available for a given keyword.
  • Download Chemicals: returns a csv file with all unique chemicals, CASRNs, and DTXSIDs associated with a given Keyword.

10.5 Document Data

How do I download data associated with a particular document?

To download data associated with a specific Data Document, use the ‘download chemical data’ button located in the top-right corner of the Data Document page (Section 9.1). The csv download returned contains document metadata, as well as chemicals and any data associated with the chemical (composition, Function Category, Chemical List Presence Keywords).