8  Explore General Chemical Uses

8.1 Browse Chemical List Presence Keywords

How do I browse the available data on general chemical use via Chemical List Presence Keywords?

Figure 8.1: ChemExpo List Keyword Presence Detail Page

ChemExpo includes general chemical use data curated from public documents, as described in Chapter 3, organized by Chemical List Presence Keywords (List Keywords). Users can browse the available List Keywords the Chemical List Presence Keywords Summary page (Figure 8.1), accessed via the ‘Browse available Chemical Presence Keywords’ link on the homepage. The Keyword table on the Summary page can be searched and filtered using the search bar directly above the table. The table can also be sorted and filtered on each column, by clicking on any table column header and entering in a filter query. The table displays List Keywords, their kinds and definitions, and a count of the documents associated with each. More information about the kinds of List Keywords is found in Table 8.1. Users can also click the blue ‘View Detail’ button to access the detail page for any List Keyword.

Table 8.1: Description of Kinds of List Keyword Presence.
Kind Definition
General use Related to general chemical use
PUC – article Keyword is a product use category (PUC) of kind “article”
PUC – formulation Keyword is a product use category (PUC) of kind “formulation”
PUC – industrial Keyword is product use category (PUC) of kind industrial/occupational
Location Related to location/origin of the document/list
Manufacturing Related to the manufacturing process
Foods & Agriculture Related to food and agriculture
Specialty list Keyword refers to a recognized, specialty list of chemicals, e.g., a regulatory list
Subpopulation Keyword denotes a specific population associated or affected by the document/list
Media Associated with a specific environmental media, e.g., as in a measurement study
Modifiers Keyword modifies other keywords assigned to the same list/chemical combination

8.2 Data Documents

How do I find information about specific documents associated with a given Chemical List Presence Keyword set?

Users can find information about Data Documents associated with List Keyword and List Keyword sets (specific Keyword combinations) of interest via the Chemical List Presence Keyword Detail page. The detail page is accessed via the List Presence Keyword Summary page, as described in Section 8.1.

The Chemical List Presence Keyword Detail page displays additional information related to a specific keyword, including a table containing all the available Data Documents that contain a given Keyword, and a table of all chemicals associated with the Keyword. There is a filter functionality above the tables that allows a user to filter the table to the selected Keyword Sets. The table details are included in Table A.4.