Allowed Attribute |
Product |
An attribute that may be applied to a product categorized into a certain PUC. Allowed attributes are a subset of attribute choices associated with a certain PUC, which are manually assigned to a given product. |
Article |
PUC Kind |
A manufactured item which is formed to a specific shape or design during manufacture that determines its end-use function. |
Assumed Attribute |
Product |
An attribute that is automatically applied to any product categorized into a certain PUC. For example, all products placed in the ‘children’s toys’ PUC will automatically be assigned the attribute ‘child.’. |
Attribute |
Product |
Attributes of individual products that may be useful for estimating exposure. Attributes may describe the form of the product (e.g., spray) or population exposed (e.g., child). For occupational PUCs, attributes can refer to the specific industry. |
Author |
Document Metadata |
The name of the author of an article, report, etc., as obtained from the original source. |
Automatic Conversion |
PUC Classification Method |
Conversion of model predicted PUCs to a manual prediction. Curators verify that products assigned via the AU method belong in a given PUC and assign them to the PUC through this higher classification method. |
Automatic Assignment |
PUC Classification Method |
Automated (natural language processing-based) assignment of products to PUC using a machine learning model that predicts a PUC assignment for a product based on its name, brand, and manufacturer. |
Brand |
Product |
Typically, a name that can distinguish between one manufacturer’s or seller’s product from that of another, similar product sold or made by another manufacturer or seller. |
Bulk Assign Product to PUC |
PUC Classification Method |
Assignment of products to PUCs based on Product title, Manufacturer, and Brand name keywords. This assignment method has medium confidence, as curators assign multiple products at once based on the name, manufacturer, and brand. |
Bulk Assign Raw Category to PUC |
PUC Classification Method |
Assignment of products to PUCs based only on the “Raw Category” data extracted from documents within a data group. The ‘Connect PUC’ functionality allows curators to Bulk assign products to a single PUC based on the Raw Category, without viewing individual products. This assignment method has a lower level of confidence because curators are not viewing individual products and relies on the accuracy of the general product use data provided by manufacturers. |
Chemical List Presence (CP) |
Data Group Type |
Chemical list presence data groups include general reports and similar documents providing general information on the use of chemicals. Documents may come from international, federal, or state agencies, trade associations, or other reputable sources. Chemical list presence documents are wide ranging in format, authorship group, and information provided. Quantitative information is not typically extracted from these documents, rather lists of chemicals identified in the document may be tagged with keywords allowing users to both identify general uses of chemicals, and to identify documents of interest more efficiently for a particular research effort. Functional use of chemicals may be identified in the document. |
Classification Method |
Product |
Curation method, whether manual or automated (natural language processing-based), used to assign product to PUC (Product Use Category). [Manual, Automatic Conversion, Manual Batch, Bulk Assign, Automated]. |
Cleaned Weight Fraction |
Composition |
Cleaned weight fraction data. Raw Composition data is curated to a harmonized form (decimal fraction between 0-1). |
Component |
Composition or Chemical Presence |
Used to separate reported chemicals based on components, as reported in the source document. For example, by product component, for products with multiple parts or items in a set. |
Composition (CO) |
Data Group Type |
The Composition data group type includes documents providing information on the composition of products, typically produced by the product manufacturers. Typically includes information on chemicals contained within the product, and may include information on the weight fraction of these chemical ingredients, and the functional use of each ingredient. These documents are in the form of a Safety Data Sheet (SDS), Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), or similar. Composition Documents are typically linked to ChemExpo Products, which may be classified into a product use category (PUC). |
Curated CAS |
Chemical |
Curated Chemical CAS Registry Number (CASRN) associated with DTXSID, provided by DSSTOX. The curated CAS may be different than the reported CAS. |
Curated Chemical Name |
Chemical |
Curated Chemical Name associated with DTXSID, provided by DSSTOX. The curated chemical name may be different than the reported chemical name. |
Data Document |
Document Metadata |
The individual documents representing the original sources of data stored within ChemExpo. If the data document is a journal article or report, this might be the title of the article or report; if the data document is an MSDS sheet, this may be the name of the product represented in the MSDS sheet. If no title is provided when the data document is registered by the curator, the title defaults to be the same as the file name of the data document. |
Data Document Subtitle |
Document Metadata |
The document subtitle. May also contain information specific to the document table or figure extracted. |
Data Document Title |
Document Metadata |
The title of the data document. e.g., if the data document is a journal article or report, this might be the title of the article or report; if the data document is an MSDS sheet, this may be the name of the product represented in the MSDS sheet. If no title is provided when the data document is registered by the curator, the title defaults to be the same as the file name of the data document. |
Data Document Type |
Document Metadata |
Indicates the type of document format, as obtained from the original source. i.e., MSDS, journal article, governmental Report. |
Data Group |
Document Metadata |
The second level of organization for documents. A data group belongs to only one data source, and a document may belong to only one data group. All documents within the data group belong to the same data group type. |
Data Group Type |
Document Metadata |
An internal curation classifier used to group documents that contain the same type of information. E.g., composition, functional use, chemical presence. |
Data Source |
Document Metadata |
The highest-level organizational category which groups data documents that may come from a single source, have the same data type, or have other characteristics in common. Data source name may refer to the organization supplying the data (e.g., Walmart) or the organization which collected the data (e.g., Danish EPA). |
Detected Flag |
Chemical Presence |
Indicates whether a chemical was measured or identified in environmental media or consumer products. “Yes” means that the chemical was detected by the study, while “No” could mean that the chemical was tested for, but not found; below the limit of detection for the instrumentation used; or instances where a measurement was not reported due to issues with measuring equipment, QA concerns, or other reason. |
Document Date |
Document Metadata |
The date the document was created or last updated, as described on the original source document. |
Document URL |
Document Metadata |
External URL that links to the original document or page the document was downloaded from. URLs may degrade over time but were active at the time the data was originally accessed. |
Document Metadata |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) used to permanently identify an article or document and provide an external link. |
Chemical |
DSSTox Record Identifier. Unique identifier for each chemical record, provided by DSSTOX. |
Chemical |
DSSTox Substance Identifier. Unique substance identifier, provided by DSSTOX. |
EPA Registration Number |
Document Metadata |
EPA-assigned identifier, applies to documents about specific pesticides or disinfectants. |
Formulation |
Product Kind |
Formulation based consumer products (e.g., liquids, gels, powders etc) A formulated product is composed of at least two ingredients which are selected, processed and combined in a specific way to obtain well-defined target properties, functionality and performance. |
Functional Use (FU) |
Data Group Type |
Functional use data groups include documents where potential functional uses (i.e., the purpose the chemical serves/may serve) are the only information contained within in the document. Documents may be sourced from chemical manufacturers or other organizations. If the functional use of a chemical is provided in association with the chemical’s use in a particular product, or the document contains composition data, it should be classified within a composition data group type. Similarly, if other information about the use of the chemical (in addition to functional use) is provided in the document, the document should be classified within a chemical list presence data group type. |
Functional Use Category |
Functional Use |
Harmonized identifiers describing the function a specific chemical serves (for example: fragrance, cleaning agent, filler, etc. in a product. Functional use categories are obtained from OECD or developed by EPA, and are assigned via manual curation. |
Document Metadata |
Reference ID for EPA’s Health & Environmental Research Online (HERO) Database. |
Industrial/Occupational |
Product Kind |
Specialty products generally intended for industrial or occupational use. |
Ingredient Rank |
Chemical Composition |
The numerical order the chemical ingredient appears in an ingredient list. |
List Presence Keyword |
Chemical Presence |
Descriptive keywords assigned to chemical records, that are used to convey information about general chemical use. |
List Presence Keyword Kind |
Chemical Presence |
Organizational system that identifies broader categories that group related keywords. List Presence Keywords are grouped Kind, which are categories that describe the keywords within (e.g., Location, PUC, Media, etc.). |
List Presence Keyword Set |
Chemical Presence |
Refers to the group of chemical presence keywords assigned to a given chemical that appears in a data document. Descriptive keyword sets are used to convey information about general chemical use, and should be interpreted as a whole. |
Manual Assignment |
PUC Classification Method |
Manual assignment of an individual product to a PUC. Available on the Product page. This assignment method has the highest level of confidence, as curators view the individual product and source document, and assign a category based on their understanding of the product details. |
Organization |
Document Metadata |
Organization associated with the document. Can be the journal, manufacturer, organization that published a report, governing body, etc. |
Document Metadata |
The PubMed ID, provided if the source document is an article in the PubMed library. |
Product |
Product |
A data record associated with a Chemical Composition document that contains product-relevant information such as manufacturer, brand, UPC, size, item description, product images, etc. There may be multiple products associated with a single composition document, as products are based on unique Universal Product Codes (UPC). |
Product Attribute |
Product |
Tags describing qualities of a particular product, such as the product form (i.e., aerosol, liquid, gel), intended user demographic (i.e., child), special features of the product (i.e., two-component), or micro-environment in which the product is used (i.e., Exterior, Interior). |
Product Kind |
Product |
Terms that organize PUCs based on the regulatory guidelines regarding the manufacture and ingredient reporting requirements for the products. |
Product Use Category |
Product |
Identifiers assigned to products in ChemExpo, indicating the type of product assigned to each data record based on information provided in the original data source. |
Provisional Flag |
Chemical |
Indicates whether the chemical record was provisionally assigned a DTXSID chemical identifier. [Yes/No]. |
PUC General Category |
PUC Hierarchy |
Highest level in PUC Hierarchy. This is the most General Category describing a product’s use. (i.e., personal care). |
PUC Hierarchy |
Product |
Three-tiered organizational hierarchy for PUCs that consists of three levels, which ranges from general to more specific product types: General Category, Product Family, and Product Type. |
PUC Product Family |
PUC Hierarchy |
Second Level in PUC Hierarchy. The Product Family describes a more specific type of product within the general category. (i.e., dental care, body hygiene, make-up and related). |
PUC Product Type |
PUC Hierarchy |
Third (most specific) Level in PUC Hierarchy. The Product Type contains a specific type of product within a Product Family. (i.e., toothpaste, mouthwash). |
Raw Composition |
Composition |
Raw weight fraction/composition data, as reported on the source document. May be reported as percent, decimal fraction, or other form. |
Reported CAS |
Chemical |
Chemical CAS Registry Number (CASRN) as provided on original source document. |
Reported Chemical Name |
Chemical |
Chemical name as provided on original source document. |
Reported Functional Use |
Functional Use |
Functional use of the chemical in a product, as reported on the original source document. |
Revision Number |
Document Metadata |
The Revision or Version number as reported on original source. |
UberPUC |
Product |
System for displaying products in PUCs based on Confidence in the Classification method. |
Unit Type |
Composition |
The unit type for the concentration, as reported in source document. |
Universal Product Code (UPC) |
Product |
A twelve digit code that uniquely identifies a product; typically found on the product’s barcode. |
Weight Fraction Type |
Composition |
Reported (Default) refers to weight fractions calculated using composition data present on the source document, while Predicted values are generated via model. [predicted or reported]. |