Description: HBM4EU CECscreen is a suspect screening list for Chemicals of Emerging Concern (CECs) plus metadata and predicted Phase 1 metabolites; this list contains the CECs only. CECScreen is part of the HBM4EU project (coord. UBA) > WP16 "emerging chemicals" (lead INRA, JP Antignac/L Debrauwer) > Task 16.1 (lead IRAS, J Vlanderen / R Vermeulen) > Main contributor (J Meijer) > Involved Partners (M Lamoree, T Hamers, S Hutinet, A, Covaci, C Huber, M Krauss, DI Walker, EL Schymanski) and hosted on the NORMAN Suspect List Exchange.Further details in Meijer et al (2021) DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2021.106511. Dataset DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3956586.

    Number of Chemicals: 56377