Description: TOXCAST consists of the full list of chemicals having undergone some level of screening in EPA's ToxCast research program from 2007 to the present (last updated 4/11/2017). The list includes all chemicals available for current Phase III testing, as well as discontinued chemicals that underwent limited screening in earlier Phases I and II of the ToxCast program. Discontinued chemicals includes those that were depleted and could not be reprocured (cost, availability), and those discontinued for other reasons (e.g., limited solubility, instability, volatility). TOXCAST also includes EPA’s full, plated contribution of nearly 4000 unique chemicals to the multi-federal agency Tox21 program (TOX21SL). A publication detailing the construction and composition of the ToxCast inventory (Richard et al., Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2016) can be freely downloaded from:
Related sublists:
TOXCAST_PhaseI: … 310 chemicals (mostly pesticides) screened in Phase I of the ToxCast program (ph1v1 subset)
TOXCAST_PhaseII: … 1800 chemicals screened in Phase II of the ToxCast program, consisting of TOXCAST_ph1v2, ph2 and e1k sublists
TOXCAST_PhaseIII: … 4584 chemicals available for screening in the current Phase III of the ToxCast program (as of 4/11/2017)
TOXCAST_ph1v2: … 293 chemicals representing reprocured subset of Phase I (ph1v1) moved into Phase II testing
TOXCAST_ph2: … 768 chemicals added in Phase II of the ToxCast program to increase chemical diversity and coverage of chemicals of concern to EPA programs
TOXCAST_e1k: … 799 chemicals added in Phase II of the ToxCast program that were selected for screening in endocrine-related assays
TOXCAST_ph3: … 2678 chemicals added in the most recent, ongoing Phase III of the ToxCast program (current as of 4/11/2017)
For more information on EPA’s ToxCast program, see:
To access the ToxCast HTS data within the EPA ToxCast Dashboard, see:
Number of Chemicals: 4746