CORIAN SOLID SURFACE is a solid, nonporous, homogeneous surfacing material, composed of 1/3 acrylic resin (also known as polymethyl methacrylate or PMMA), and 2/3 natural minerals. These minerals are composed of aluminum trihydrate (ATH) derived from bauxite, an ore from which aluminum is extracted. Corian Acrylic Solid Surface products are comprised of reacted monomers and resins, inert mineral fillers, and colorants, and are manufactured in the form of sheets and shapes (sinks and wash basins). The material inputs for Corian solid surface are encapsulated by polymerization of acrylic-based reactants in the manufacturing process. In its finished form, Corian solid surface material is an article, is nontoxic and non-allergic to humans Corian solid surface is an advanced composite product used as an architectural and design material in a variety of residential and commercial applications. Corian solid surface offers design versatility, functionality and durability. Supplied in sheets and shapes, it can be fabricated with conventional woodworking tools into virtually any design. It is the original solid surface material. Flowing, virtually seamless, organic shapes, bold effects of color and translucencyif it can be imagined, it can be created with Corian. Corian solid surface is available in a vast range of trendsetting patterns and tones, as well as your own custom-designed colors. In baths and kitchens and beyond, throughout homes and hospitals, restaurants, and public spaces, Corian solid surfaces deliver high performance and outstanding aesthetics. Corian solid surface continues to evolve and to inspire unprecedented creative flights of design fancy, combined with functionality. Corian solid surface can be used in residential applications, including kitchens and bathrooms, as well as in commercial applications for both horizontal and vertical installations. Corian solid surface is the ideal choice for public spaces, homes, healthcare and food preparation facilities, hospitality, schools and offices. In addition, Corian Exterior Cladding offers many advantages for ventilated faade applications. From meeting the certification standards of UL Environment for GREENGUARD and GREENGUARD GOLD to the Terra Collection being certified by Scientific Global Systems [Scientific Certification Systems (SCS)] for recycled acrylic resin content, Corian solid surface gives more sustainable design options. Builders who use Home Innovation NGBS Green Certified Corian solid surface products can earn points toward certification to the National Green Building Standard. Corian may help contribute to U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) LEED points. Corian solid surface is NSF/ANSI Standard 51 Certified for the strictest level Food Zone.
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